Get Wedding Ready Skin with an Esthetician

So, you’ve been seeing someone for a while and you’ve decided that you like this person so much you want to see this person forever - you’re getting married, yay! You’ve decided on what to wear, the catering menu, the outstanding venue, but there’s still one thing that’s left to tie it all together: healthy, glowing skin! For some, it can be difficult to determine when exactly is the right time to prioritize this goal, especially if it’s not something that’s been a priority before. This is where I come in! Below is a rough timeline to help take out the guesswork from your skin care journey and wedding day prep.

Depending on the current condition of your skin and what your goals are, will determine when your wedding day skin care preparation should start. For best practices, I always recommend starting six months to one year out if you’re struggling with conditions such as active acne, eczema, rosacea, and the like. This gives you ample time with your skin care professional to build a supportive home regimen and gain control of these conditions.

Alright, so now you’ve cleared up most, if not all inflammation and acne and it’s five months from the big day. This is the best time to start a buffered retinoid or similar alternative (bakuchiol is my personal favorite for maintaining a flourishing skin microbiome) to improve the tone and texture of the skin. Starting a retinoid or similar active ingredient five months to the date also gives your skin plenty of time to get over any purging that may occur.

Around the four month mark is the perfect time to start incorporating professional treatments into your routine. Advanced treatments such as chemical peels, skin infusion treatments, and microneedling can all help to address acne scarring and residual pigmentation as well as spots of sun damage.

At one month you should be focusing on skin hydration and maintenance! Your treatments should now be hydrating facials, gentle yet effective pore cleansing facials, and at home sheet masks.

Two weeks before your big day, I always recommend a nice dermaplaning facial to physically exfoliate and get rid of any vellus/baby hairs. This will give you a smooth makeup application on the day of your wedding but at two weeks, it will also ensure that any sensitivity that may occur the one or two days afterwards, will be resolved way before your special day!

On the day of your wedding, start by drinking a tall glass of water! Drinking your water before your caffeine will give your body (and skin) the head start that it needs to replenish moisture loss from all those hours of sleep that you weren’t drinking water. Applying cooling gel eye masks will help to reduce any puffiness that naturally occurs in the morning. Also applying a sheet mask prior to your makeup application will create a beautiful, hydrated base!

Luisa Lempe Aesthetics would love to be a part of your wedding day prep - offering comprehensive in person and virtual skin care consultations. Click here to start your skin journey today!